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ENROLLMENT at awtrey

To enroll in any Cobb County School you will need the following documents:


1. CERTIFICATE OF IMMUNIZATION: as required by Georgia Law 20-2-771: Georgia Form 3231 for all kindergarten and seventh-grade students, all students new to Georgia and students coming from any private school must have the form signed by a licensed healthcare provider or the county health department. To be enrolled in the District, ALL certificates of immunization must be marked “Complete for Attendance” OR have a future expiration date. Expired certificates will not be accepted for enrollment.


2. CERTIFICATE OF VISION, HEARING, DENTAL, AND NUTRITIONAL SCREENING: as required by Georgia Law 20-2-770 (Georgia Form 3300) for all kindergarten and new first grade students, all students new to Georgia and any child enrolling from a private school dated within 12 months prior to the day of enrollment. However, if a student is enrolling from another Georgia public school, a completed 3300 Form will be accepted by any District school.


3. PROOF OF BIRTH DATE: for students enrolling in kindergarten (the age of five on or before Sept. 1) or first grade (the age of six on or before Sept 1), students new to Georgia or coming from a private school. The school will accept evidence in the order set forth below that show the student’s date of birth. Refer to Section B of Rule JBC-R (Admissions/Withdrawals) for additional entrance age requirements.


4. PROOF OF RESIDENCY: Residency as defined by the Georgia Board of Education rule 160-5-1-.28 shall mean the place where the student lives with a parent, guardian, or other person, (refer to Form JBC-14) unless the student is an emancipated minor. The student must be an occupant of a dwelling located within the school system boundaries. Proof of residence in the attendance zone in which the school is located shall be required when a student enrolls in a school and whenever a change of residence occurs, unless the student is homeless. Individuals not legally admitted into the country cannot be denied a free public education.

  • In order to verify residency within the District, two or more of the following items (no more than one from each category) are required:

    • ​homeownership documentation or lease/rental agreement

    • current utility monthly statement


5. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: According to Georgia Law 20-2-150d; An official copy of the student’s Social Security card/number is required for enrollment. However, no student may be denied enrollment for failing to provide his/her Social Security number. Any parent/legal guardian who objects to the incorporation of the Social Security number into the child’s school records may have the requirement waived by signing a statement objecting to the requirement Form JBC-4 (Statement of Objection to the Use of Social Security Number for Student Identification). However, a Social Security Number will be required by the State for a student applying for the HOPE scholarship.


6. A valid transcript and a withdrawal form from the student’s previous school is essential for appropriate academic placement. Parents who can not provide a valid transcript and a withdrawal form from the previous school must fill out Form JBC-8 (Authorization to Release Records) to enroll their student on a conditional basis. Any student who is enrolling in the District for the first time in grades seven or higher must provide a discipline record from the school previously attended in order to be granted full admission status. Refer to Form JBC-9 (Disclosures Required for Conditional Admission). Form JBC-9 must be completed at the time of enrollment.


7. For those students enrolling in the Special Education Program: the parent/guardian may provide a copy of the student’s latest IEP.


8. Custodial Documents: The District may request proof of custody in situations involving multiple adults claiming control of the same student.







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